The sky is the limit! Easy, Affordable programs for part-time or full-time students. Do not wait and begin flying right away!
You won't need to win the lottery. watch your credit card balance climb or drop out because costs are adding up. With $250 down payment and monthly payments of $200- $300 you can realize your dream of becoming a pilot.
You won't need to bend yourself out of shape to make this work. As you will see, you will be able to choose from a number of programs with different training schedules and repayment period. One of them will work for you.
You won't need to worry about hidden financial fees. Everything is clearly spelled out up front. If you need to discontinue your training for any reason, you are completely protected. You will never have to pay for training you did not receive.
Whether your goal is to fly airliners across the country for a living, or simply soar across the country for the fun of it – There’s a pilot certificate for you!
The finance programs are designed for part-time fixed wing private pilot or instrument rating. Under certain circumstances it is possible to finance advance ratings as well.
Estimate your monthly payments:
Here is a link to an easy tool for you to calculate the monthly payments for the training program you need.
Generally, most applicants gets approved unless …
If you have received a Conditional Approval, the next step i. to sit down with our Flight Training Consultant and price out your training program. This is done on a fill-in-the-blanks form called a Prepaid Flight Training Agreement. You and the school will sign the form. By signing the form, you agree to purchase the training program and the school agrees to sell it ot you at the price and terms stated.
Once your program is priced and ready to go, you can expect your finance contract to arrive within 1-3 business days.
Yes. Our programs are designed for “full” private pilot and instrument programs. These programs typically include 55-65 hours of aircraft rental. We consider any program with 45 or more hours of aircraft rental to be a “full” program.
Our minimum program size for our standard repayment terms will include at least 45 hours of aircraft rental. We consider programs that include 25-45 hours of aircraft rental on an exception basis, but with shorter-than-normal repayment terms. Programs with fewer than 25 hours of aircraft rental cannot be approved for financing.
Your credit score is not the only thing the approver looks at. The score by itself can be deceiving. Important are the duration and type of credit in your history, as shown in your credit report, related to the amount and type of financing you need (unsecured).
Build your hours with us in sunny California, USA
Flight Training Center run by pilots for pilots. We are offering the combination of price and quality. Fly with confidence that you are getting quality and professional flight instruction at a great competitive price with Top Flight Aviation.
If you want to fly, whether privately or commercially, there is no better place to learn than Top Flight Aviation. We truly strive to be a step above the rest providing quality professional instruction, best value, convenience and trusted safety.